Our Services
Our Radiologic Imaging Department is equipped with modernized facilities to give you a faster turnaround time of results. You can expect our services to be affordable and convenient in assessing your needs.
These include procedures for X-Ray, Ultrasound, 1.5T MRI, 64 slice CT Scan, Bone Mineral Densitometry & 3D Mammogram. We are also the only outpatient facility in Cebu that offers MRI services.
Bone Mineral Densitometry:
- Spine And Hip (Routine)
- Total Whole Body (Routine)
- Forearm (Special Request)
- Spine And Hip (Routine)
- Total Whole Body (Routine)
- Forearm (Special Request)
64-Slice CT Scan
- CT Aortogram W/ Contrast
- CT Carotid Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Cervical W/ 3d Plain
- CT Cervical Plain
- CT Cervical W/ Contrast
- CT Chest Plain
- CT Chest W/ Contrast
- CT Coronary Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Cranial (Brain) Plain
- CT Cranial (Brain) W/ Contrast
- CT Cranial (Brain) Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Facial Bones W/ 3d & Contrast
- CT Facial Bones W/3d Plain
- CT High-Resolution Computed Tomography (Plain) Lung
- CT Lower Ext. Angiogram Plain
- CT Lower Ext. Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Lumbosacral Plain
- CT Lumbosacral W/ 3d Plain
- CT Lumbosacral W/ Constrast
- CT Neck Plain
- CT Neck W/ Contrast
- CT Orbits Plain
- CT Orbits W/ Contrast
- CT Pelvis Plain
- CT Pelvis W/ 3d And Contrast
- CT Pelvis W/ 3d Plain
- CT Pelvis W/ Contrast
- CT Renal Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Stonogram (Plain)
- CT Temporal Bones Plain
- CT Temporal Bones W/ Contrast
- CT Thoracic Plain
- CT Thoracic W/ 3d & Contrast
- CT Thoracic W/ 3d Plain
- CT Thoracic W/ Contrast
- CT Tri-phasic Liver,upper/whole Ab W/ Contrast
- CT Tri-phasic Liver, upper/whole Abdomen Plain
- CT Upper Ext. Angiogram Plain
- CT Upper Ext. Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Urogram W/ Contrast
- CT Aortogram W/ Contrast
- CT Carotid Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Cervical W/ 3d Plain
- CT Cervical Plain
- CT Cervical W/ Contrast
- CT Chest Plain
- CT Chest W/ Contrast
- CT Coronary Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Cranial (Brain) Plain
- CT Cranial (Brain) W/ Contrast
- CT Cranial (Brain) Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Facial Bones W/ 3d & Contrast
- CT Facial Bones W/3d Plain
- CT High-Resolution Computed Tomography (Plain) Lung
- CT Lower Ext. Angiogram Plain
- CT Lower Ext. Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Lumbosacral Plain
- CT Lumbosacral W/ 3d Plain
- CT Lumbosacral W/ Constrast
- CT Neck Plain
- CT Neck W/ Contrast
- CT Orbits Plain
- CT Orbits W/ Contrast
- CT Pelvis Plain
- CT Pelvis W/ 3d And Contrast
- CT Pelvis W/ 3d Plain
- CT Pelvis W/ Contrast
- CT Renal Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Stonogram (Plain)
- CT Temporal Bones Plain
- CT Temporal Bones W/ Contrast
- CT Thoracic Plain
- CT Thoracic W/ 3d & Contrast
- CT Thoracic W/ 3d Plain
- CT Thoracic W/ Contrast
- CT Tri-phasic Liver,upper/whole Ab W/ Contrast
- CT Tri-phasic Liver, upper/whole Abdomen Plain
- CT Upper Ext. Angiogram Plain
- CT Upper Ext. Angiogram W/ Contrast
- CT Urogram W/ Contrast
- 3D Tomosynthesis (routine)
- Spot Magnification
- 3D Tomosynthesis (routine)
- Spot Magnification
1.5T MRI
- MRA Brain Plain
- MRI Spine Screening
- Cranial (Brain) P
- MRA Brain Plain
- MRI Spine Screening
- Cranial (Brain) P
- Abdomen Flatplate And Upright (Routine)
- Abdomen Sup, Up, Decub
- Acromioclavicular AP Pearson
- Acromioclavicular AP Zanca
- Ankle AP
- Ankle AP Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Ankle AP Oblique (Medial Rotation)
- Ankle AP Weight Bearing
- Ankle APL Mortise View
- Ankle APLO (Routine)
- Ankle Lateral (Lateromedial)
- Ankle Lateral (Mediolateral)
- Ankle Lateral Weight Bearing
- Ankle Mortise
- Barium Enema
- Barium Swallow
- Bone Age (Hand And Wrist PA)
- Calcaneus Axial (Dorsoplantar)
- Calcaneus Axial (Plantodorsal)
- Calcaneus Lateral
- Calcaneus Lateromedial Oblique (Isherwood Method)
- Calcaneus PA Axial Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Cervical AP (Fuchs Method)
- Cervical AP (Open Mouth)
- Cervical AP Bending
- Cervical APL
- Cervical APL And Open Mouth (Routine)
- Cervical Flexion
- Cervical Flexion And Extension
- Cervical Methods
- Cervical Oblique
- Cervicothoracic APL (Routine)
- Cervicothoracic Swimmers
- Chest Apico
- Chest APL
- Chest Bucky
- Chest Decubitus
- Chest LAO, RAO, LPO, RPO
- Chest LAT
- Chest PA
- Chest PAL
- Clavicle AP
- Clavicle Axial
- Coccyx APL
- Elbow APL
- Elbow Axial
- Elbow Oblique
- Elbow Partial Flexion
- Facial Bone LAT
- Facial Bone PA
- Facial Bone PA Axial (Caldwell Method)
- Facial Bone Parietoacanthial (Modified Waters)
- Facial Bone Waters And Soft Tissue LAT (Routine)
- Femur AP
- Femur APL (Routine)
- Femur LAT
- Foot AP Axial (Weight Bearing Composite)
- Foot AP Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Foot AP Oblique (Medial Rotation)
- Foot AP Weight Bearing
- Foot APLO
- Foot Longitudinal Arch Lateromedial (Weight Bearing)
- Foot PA Oblique (Grashey Method)
- Forearm (Special Request)
- Forearm APL
- Hand AP (Burman Method)
- Hand AP (Carpometacarpal Joint)
- Hand AP (Folio Method)
- Hand Ballcatcher
- Hand PALO
- Hip Acetabulum PA Axial (Teufel Method)
- Hip Acetubulum RPO/LPO (Judet Method)
- Hip AP
- Hip Axiolateral (Clements-nakayama Modification)
- Hip Axiolateral (Danelius-miller Method)
- Hip Axiolateral (Friedman Method)
- Hip Bilateral
- Hip Cleaves
- Hip Lorenz
- Hip Mediolateral (Dunn View)
- Hip Mediolateral Oblique (Lilienfeld Method)
- Hip PA-oblique (Hsieh Method)
- Humerus AP (Int/ext Rotation)
- Humerus LAT
- Intercondylar Fossa AP
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Camp
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Camp-coventry Method
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Hom
- Intravenous Pyelography
- Knee AP Oblique
- Knee AP Weight Bearing
- Knee AP, LAT
- Knee Axial Beclere Method
- Knee Bilateral
- Knee LAT
- Knee PA
- Knee PA Weight Bearing
- Leg APL (Routine)
- Lumbar AP Bending
- Lumbar APL
- Lumbar LAT Hyper Flex.ext
- Lumbar OBL
- Lumbar Plain
- Mandible (Modified Towne Method)
- Mandible Axiolateral, OBL
- Mandible PA
- Mandible PA Bilateral OBL (Routine)
- Mandible Submento
- Mastoids Series (Townes And Laws)
- Nasal Bone Axial
- Nasal Bone Lateral
- Optic Foramen
- Orbits Bil. Rheses’ View
- Orbits PA, LAT
- Orbits Waters
- Os-calsis Study (Os-calsis View, Lateral)
- Paranasal Sinus Caldwell
- Paranasal Sinus Lateral
- Paranasal Sinus Submentovertical
- Paranasal Sinus Waters
- Patella (Hughston Method)
- Patella (Kuchendorf Method)
- Patella (Merchant Method)
- Patella PALO
- Patella Setiegast Method (Sunrise)
- Patella Skyline
- Pelvis AP
- Pelvis AP Axial (Outlet Taylor Method)
- Pelvis Axial
- Pelvis Axial (Chassard-Lapine Method)
- Pelvis Ilium AP Oblique
- Pelvis Ilium PA Oblique
- Pelvis Judet
- Pelvis Lateral
- Pelvis PA
- Pelvis PA Axial Inlet (Staunig Method)
- Pelvis Superoinferior Axial Inlet (Lilienfeld Method)
- PNS Complete Routine (Caldwells,waters,lat)
- PNS Modified Routine (Caldwells, Waters)
- Sacro-iliac Joint (AP, RPO ,LPO)
- Sacrum APL
- Scapula AP
- Scapula APL (Routine)
- Scapula LAT
- Scapula Outlet
- Scapula Y
- Scoliotic Series
- Sella Turcica AP
- Sella Turcica LAT
- Shoulder AP
- Shoulder Axial
- Shoulder Grashey
- Shoulder Inferosuperior Axial (West Point Method)
- Shoulder Int, Ext Rot
- Shoulder Transthoracic (Clemens Method)
- Shoulder Transthoracic (Lawrence Method)
- Shoulder Trauma (Neer Method)
- Skeletal Survey
- Skull AP Axial (Towne Method)
- Skull APL
- Skull PA Axial (Caldwell Method)
- Skull PA Axial (Haas Method)
- Skull Submentovertical
- Skull Waters
- Small Intestinal Series
- Spine And Hip (Routine)
- Sternoclavicular Axiolateral (Kurzbauer Method)
- Sternoclavicular Heinig
- Sternoclavicular Hobbs
- Sternoclavicular Oblique
- Sternoclavicular Prone
- Sternoclavicular Supine
- Sternum Erect, Prone
- Sternum Lateral
- Sternum RAO/LAO
- Thoracic APL (Routine)
- Thoracic Obl
- Thoracolumbar APL (Standing)
- TMJ Axiolateral (Open, close)
- TMJ Axiolateral Obl (Open, close)
- TMJ Townes (Open, close)
- Total Whole Body (Routine)
- Wrist PA Axial (Stecher Method)
- Wrist PAL (Routine)
- Wrist PALO
- Wrist Radial, Ulnar Deviation
- Wrist Tangential Inferosuperior
- Wrist Tangential Inferosuperior (Gaynor-hart Method)
- Wrist Tangential View (Carpal Bridge)
- Wrist TrAPezium PA Axial (Nakayama Method)
- Zygomatic Bone (Waters)
- Zygomatic Bone AP Axial (Submentovertex)
- Zygomatic Bone Arch
- Zygomatic Bone Bilateral Basiliar Obliques (Obli Axial)
- Abdomen Flatplate And Upright (Routine)
- Abdomen Sup, Up, Decub
- Acromioclavicular AP Pearson
- Acromioclavicular AP Zanca
- Ankle AP
- Ankle AP Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Ankle AP Oblique (Medial Rotation)
- Ankle AP Weight Bearing
- Ankle APL Mortise View
- Ankle APLO (Routine)
- Ankle Lateral (Lateromedial)
- Ankle Lateral (Mediolateral)
- Ankle Lateral Weight Bearing
- Ankle Mortise
- Barium Enema
- Barium Swallow
- Bone Age (Hand And Wrist PA)
- Calcaneus Axial (Dorsoplantar)
- Calcaneus Axial (Plantodorsal)
- Calcaneus Lateral
- Calcaneus Lateromedial Oblique (Isherwood Method)
- Calcaneus PA Axial Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Cervical AP (Fuchs Method)
- Cervical AP (Open Mouth)
- Cervical AP Bending
- Cervical APL
- Cervical APL And Open Mouth (Routine)
- Cervical Flexion
- Cervical Flexion And Extension
- Cervical Methods
- Cervical Oblique
- Cervicothoracic APL (Routine)
- Cervicothoracic Swimmers
- Chest Apico
- Chest APL
- Chest Bucky
- Chest Decubitus
- Chest LAO, RAO, LPO, RPO
- Chest LAT
- Chest PA
- Chest PAL
- Clavicle AP
- Clavicle Axial
- Coccyx APL
- Elbow APL
- Elbow Axial
- Elbow Oblique
- Elbow Partial Flexion
- Facial Bone LAT
- Facial Bone PA
- Facial Bone PA Axial (Caldwell Method)
- Facial Bone Parietoacanthial (Modified Waters)
- Facial Bone Waters And Soft Tissue LAT (Routine)
- Femur AP
- Femur APL (Routine)
- Femur LAT
- Foot AP Axial (Weight Bearing Composite)
- Foot AP Oblique (Lateral Rotation)
- Foot AP Oblique (Medial Rotation)
- Foot AP Weight Bearing
- Foot APLO
- Foot Longitudinal Arch Lateromedial (Weight Bearing)
- Foot PA Oblique (Grashey Method)
- Forearm (Special Request)
- Forearm APL
- Hand AP (Burman Method)
- Hand AP (Carpometacarpal Joint)
- Hand AP (Folio Method)
- Hand Ballcatcher
- Hand PALO
- Hip Acetabulum PA Axial (Teufel Method)
- Hip Acetubulum RPO/LPO (Judet Method)
- Hip AP
- Hip Axiolateral (Clements-nakayama Modification)
- Hip Axiolateral (Danelius-miller Method)
- Hip Axiolateral (Friedman Method)
- Hip Bilateral
- Hip Cleaves
- Hip Lorenz
- Hip Mediolateral (Dunn View)
- Hip Mediolateral Oblique (Lilienfeld Method)
- Hip PA-oblique (Hsieh Method)
- Humerus AP (Int/ext Rotation)
- Humerus LAT
- Intercondylar Fossa AP
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Camp
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Camp-coventry Method
- Intercondylar Fossa PA Axial Hom
- Intravenous Pyelography
- Knee AP Oblique
- Knee AP Weight Bearing
- Knee AP, LAT
- Knee Axial Beclere Method
- Knee Bilateral
- Knee LAT
- Knee PA
- Knee PA Weight Bearing
- Leg APL (Routine)
- Lumbar AP Bending
- Lumbar APL
- Lumbar LAT Hyper Flex.ext
- Lumbar OBL
- Lumbar Plain
- Mandible (Modified Towne Method)
- Mandible Axiolateral, OBL
- Mandible PA
- Mandible PA Bilateral OBL (Routine)
- Mandible Submento
- Mastoids Series (Townes And Laws)
- Nasal Bone Axial
- Nasal Bone Lateral
- Optic Foramen
- Orbits Bil. Rheses’ View
- Orbits PA, LAT
- Orbits Waters
- Os-calsis Study (Os-calsis View, Lateral)
- Paranasal Sinus Caldwell
- Paranasal Sinus Lateral
- Paranasal Sinus Submentovertical
- Paranasal Sinus Waters
- Patella (Hughston Method)
- Patella (Kuchendorf Method)
- Patella (Merchant Method)
- Patella PALO
- Patella Setiegast Method (Sunrise)
- Patella Skyline
- Pelvis AP
- Pelvis AP Axial (Outlet Taylor Method)
- Pelvis Axial
- Pelvis Axial (Chassard-Lapine Method)
- Pelvis Ilium AP Oblique
- Pelvis Ilium PA Oblique
- Pelvis Judet
- Pelvis Lateral
- Pelvis PA
- Pelvis PA Axial Inlet (Staunig Method)
- Pelvis Superoinferior Axial Inlet (Lilienfeld Method)
- PNS Complete Routine (Caldwells,waters,lat)
- PNS Modified Routine (Caldwells, Waters)
- Sacro-iliac Joint (AP, RPO ,LPO)
- Sacrum APL
- Scapula AP
- Scapula APL (Routine)
- Scapula LAT
- Scapula Outlet
- Scapula Y
- Scoliotic Series
- Sella Turcica AP
- Sella Turcica LAT
- Shoulder AP
- Shoulder Axial
- Shoulder Grashey
- Shoulder Inferosuperior Axial (West Point Method)
- Shoulder Int, Ext Rot
- Shoulder Transthoracic (Clemens Method)
- Shoulder Transthoracic (Lawrence Method)
- Shoulder Trauma (Neer Method)
- Skeletal Survey
- Skull AP Axial (Towne Method)
- Skull APL
- Skull PA Axial (Caldwell Method)
- Skull PA Axial (Haas Method)
- Skull Submentovertical
- Skull Waters
- Small Intestinal Series
- Spine And Hip (Routine)
- Sternoclavicular Axiolateral (Kurzbauer Method)
- Sternoclavicular Heinig
- Sternoclavicular Hobbs
- Sternoclavicular Oblique
- Sternoclavicular Prone
- Sternoclavicular Supine
- Sternum Erect, Prone
- Sternum Lateral
- Sternum RAO/LAO
- Thoracic APL (Routine)
- Thoracic Obl
- Thoracolumbar APL (Standing)
- TMJ Axiolateral (Open, close)
- TMJ Axiolateral Obl (Open, close)
- TMJ Townes (Open, close)
- Total Whole Body (Routine)
- Wrist PA Axial (Stecher Method)
- Wrist PAL (Routine)
- Wrist PALO
- Wrist Radial, Ulnar Deviation
- Wrist Tangential Inferosuperior
- Wrist Tangential Inferosuperior (Gaynor-hart Method)
- Wrist Tangential View (Carpal Bridge)
- Wrist TrAPezium PA Axial (Nakayama Method)
- Zygomatic Bone (Waters)
- Zygomatic Bone AP Axial (Submentovertex)
- Zygomatic Bone Arch
- Zygomatic Bone Bilateral Basiliar Obliques (Obli Axial)
For more information about this services, inquire here
The Hospital at Maayo Services
Our extensive services put a premium on your health and recovery at a lower cost. Browse our available services here at The Hospital at Maayo to know more.
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